Monday, November 3, 2014

"Alex from Target" becomes overnight viral sensation...

ABC News reports that the Internet became a localized "Tiger Beat" teen magazine this past weekend when photos of this band-worthy young employee went viral.

It all started when a young Target employee's photo (shown here) hit it big with the hashtag #AlexFromTarget. The unsuspecting young man named "Alex" apparently has been amused with the attention, at least according to his Twitter account.

Target said in statement to ABC News the company is "proud to have a great team, including #AlexFromTarget," but declined to confirm any details about him.

UPDATE: It seems as if the whole #AlexFromTarget thing was a hoax. Or was it?? According to Gawker, a marketing company called Breakr claims it orchestrated the viral campaign around an "unknown good-looking Target employee from Texas," which purportedly started when teenage girls began retweeting a photo of him that had been posted on Twitter. However, "Alex from Target" himself has denied involvement, tweeting yesterday that the company is just jumping on to his viral fame.

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